ENGLISH VERSION - Bulletin Nº 50 August 29, 2021
by Rev. Renato Souza Prates
What would you do if you were called to carry out a mission where:
1) You would go to places that you don't like or where you didn't plan to go.
2) Where you had to perform miracles, like drawing water from the Rock, for people to believe in you.
3) And what you were going to advertise would be rejected by most people.
4) Where you couldn't take almost anything you own, including your shoes and your puppy.
5) Where you would be supported by strange people and provoke some dissension among them.
6) A mission where you would still face ravening wolves on your journey?
What would you do?
The good news is that you are already on this mission!
In Luke chapter 10, Jesus sends 70 disciples every 2 to prepare his way through cities and villages, through which he would pass to Jerusalem. 3 are cited in the text: Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum.
Who are the 70? In Luke chapter 9, 12 disciples are sent out, representing the 12 tribes of Israel. References to the 70 are in: 70 nations of Genesis 10 after the flood; 70 elders who helped Moses counsel the people; in addition to the High Priest, the Sanhedrin had 70 members. 70 represents the totality of Christ's leadership and the totality of nations to which the Gospel must be preached.
Why two by two? This indicates that the mission is community and not individual. There are dangers on the road, like the wolves described by Jesus in the text.
The harvest is ready, but workers are lacking. We must pray!
As disciples of Jesus, we too are sent into the world!
However, one might ask: But wouldn't this mission be just for Jesus' 70 disciples?
We have several biblical references to prove that we are also these disciples: The Great Commission to go into the whole world would be impossible for those disciples, whose known world only went to Spain (Mt 28:19). The proclamation of the Holy Supper, which must be an announcement of Christ's return, until he comes, would also be impossible (1 Cor 11:26).
The question is, do we know where the Lord has sent us? What is our mission field? Do you know?
In verse 2 the Lord Jesus tells his disciples that the harvest is great, that is, it is ready and needs many workers. Therefore, the 70 should pray asking the Lord to send workers, whose first they are.
The Greek word for send is strong! It is the same used to speak of the casting out of a demon in the Gospels. The idea is that the missionary will be called with a mighty hand, to the Lord's Harvest!
We must also pray that the Lord will send workers to the Mission Field
Based on Acts 1.8, the first field that needs missionaries is our city!
Sometimes we pray that God will send workers to different countries around the world, but we forget that our city is also a mission field, where the fields are already ripe for harvest.
Your family, neighborhood, job, school, or college is your mission field. And let me tell you a secret: God doesn't send anyone far away to other peoples without first being a missionary in his own land, even though he is rejected there.
In verse 3 Jesus will say that his disciples are like lambs sent among wolves!
Wolves can basically mean two things: The dangers of the journey and the people they will deal with.
Our Missionary Journey is Dangerous, but the Lord is with us!
From verse 4 Jesus will guide his disciples about the support in the Mission.
• They must not carry provisions – His provision is the Lord.
• They weren't supposed to greet anyone along the way – Jewish greetings weren't like our quick hellos! They needed to stay focused!
• They should greet the homes that welcome them with Shalom!
• The children of peace would receive the Gospel.
• They would be supported in some homes and cities: “I eat what is offered”.
In verse 9 we have the mission objective: Heal the sick and announce the Kingdom of God.
The working of miracles has always been part of the ministry of Jesus and his disciples, the proof of this is in verse 17, where they returned feasting because even the devils submitted to them, in the name of Christ.
Jesus will draw their attention to the fact that they should not rejoice because the demons submit, but because of their salvation. Even though the cities of Chorazin, Bethsaida and Capernaum witnessed many of Jesus' miracles, the rejection of the Gospel was very great and the judgment on them would be even greater than for sinful cities like Tyre, Sidon, Sodom and Gomorrah! (v.12)
As disciples of the Lord we need to heal the sick and Preach the Gospel of the Kingdom
How can I do this if I'm even afraid of facing demons?
You will not do it in your name, but in Christ's name! (v.19)
You don't need to call the pastor, some elder or person apparently most consecrated to heal in the name of Jesus! He has already given you this authority!
Today the Lord is calling us to:
1) Go to all peoples, starting from Macaé!
2) To pray that the Lord will send workers to His harvest – How we need it!
3) To face the dangers of the journey, trusting in the Lord's protection!
4) To let go of all material concerns and stay focused on the mission!
5) To heal and preach in Jesus' name!
From this Sunday on, you will enjoy a Revelation Series with Dr. Joel Beeke. It is amazing studies from which we can learn more about this instigating book.
Prayer Requests
Pandemic over
For the arrival of Rev. Renato and Juliana.
For the Council
By the Diaconal Board.
By Church Ministries.
For the sick.
For the unemployed.
For the Missions.
For the city of Macaé.
For the State of Rio.
For Brazil
For those far from the Gospel.
For the new believers.
For the lost.
Prayer Meeting
Every Friday, 6:00 am
Person in charge:
Presb. Anderson
31/08 Magno Campos Reis
08/09 Dinazil de Souza Gomes Domingos
09/09 Bruno da Cruz Santos
11/09 Marcos Ramos Lucas
14/09 André Medeiros Armond
24/09 Claudia Gomes Pregione
26/09 Josemar Tadeu Fuligne Ferreira
27/09 Breno Ferreira Clen Pregione
During the pandemic period, the pastor of the church has been available for counselling and meetings in general, by phone and internet.
If you have a specific need, seek the pastor of the church to be properly attended to. You can do this in person or over the phone: (22) 98124-4283.
For now, home visits and face-to-face counselling are suspended, due to the pandemic.
Get in touch and be lovingly shepherded!
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