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ENGLISH VERSION - Bulletin Nº 22 -February 22, 2021

Vaccines and

Conspiracy Theories

Pr. Renato Prates

boletim igreja vacina conspiração.jpg

Source: assembling

The Word of the Lord makes us two very special invitations:

The first concerns the "Mind of Christ" and the second concerns the "Truth of Gospel". Therefore, as children of God, we need to pay attention to each one of them, accepting them as fundamental requirements, “Sine qua non”, of a true Reformed Christianity.


According to the Scriptures, having the “Mind of Christ” means having a renewed mentality or been transformed by the power of the Spirit (Rom. 12:1-2), which is no longer subject to the rudiments, beliefs, superstitions and deceptions of this dark world. For example, a true Christian will always reflect and be suspicious of any very spectacular or sensationalist rumors, news or disclosure, before receiving it with the belief to advertise it, especially through social networks.


The Christian concept of the "Gospel Truth" has a narrow methodological bias, regarding the investigation of the facts. First, the Christian is challenged to investigate what the Scriptures say about a given assumption or statement.

Second, it must be driven by a sincere desire to test that supposed absolute or suspicious truth, through measurable methods, offered by the sciences of reason and experimentation, such as logic and reliable scientific data published by world-renowned institutions and scholars.


The age of technology is wonderful and challenging for Christianity worldwide. Wonderful, because it provides almost endless resources for research and information through the internet and applications; but also, challenging, because these same resources are often used to disseminate untruths, which have deceived and manipulated the lives of thousands of people. Malicious influential leaders can provoke revolts, riots and real civil wars, using such resources, as revealed by the political and health world scenario. There are many Fake News involving the use of vaccines against Covid-19, even those who believe and disclose genetic mutations, mass sterilization and irreversible adverse genetic reactions in the lives of those who have been vaccinated.


We must remember that the history of vaccine application is not a current phenomenon, but it started in the 18th century when the English doctor Edward Jenner used a vaccine to prevent contamination by smallpox, an extremely serious viral disease that caused high fever, pain head and body, skin lesions and death. Smallpox was the first infectious disease that was eradicated through vaccination. Since then, several other vaccines have been produced by mankind, controlling and even eliminating most of the deadly known diseases, without causing any of the mutations or reactions currently cited by the defenders of conspiracy theories existing in Brazil and worldwide.


Therefore, as Christians, we are called to develop the “Mind of Christ”, not conforming ourselves to this Century; but also, living and spreading the “Truth of the Gospel”. In this sense, any news that is not deeply grounded in the most basic concepts of Scripture, such as love, justice, obedience and worship, should be accepted. Likewise, any extraordinary disclosure that does not have solid scientific evidence, should be accepted or reinforced by us. Let us remember that science is not necessarily an opponent of the Kingdom of God, but its ally, to preserve our lives!


Without fear then, we can plead with the Lord to send all possible immunizing vaccines against the coronavirus as soon as possible, remembering that absolutely “all things work together for the good of those who love God, of those who are called according to His purpose” (Rom 8.28); including vaccines!

"He hath said." Hebrews 13:5Quarta Palavra
00:00 / 02:18

Prayer Requests

Pandemic over

For the arrival of Rev. Renato and Juliana.

For the Council

By the Diaconal Board.

By Church Ministries.

For the sick.

For the unemployed.

For the Missions.

For the city of Macaé.

For the State of Rio.

For Brazil

For those far from the Gospel.

For the new believers.

For the lost.

Prayer Meeting

Every Friday, 6:00 am

Person in charge:

Presb. Anderson



08/02 - Renato Bersot

11/02 - Maria de Lourdes

13/02 - Carla Faria

17/02 - Anderson Poltronieri

21/02 - Caroline Fernandes

26/02 - Silvia Regina Fernandes

28/02 - Glaucéli Louzada

28/02 - Luciane Ribeiro

During the pandemic period, the pastor of the church has been available for counselling and meetings in general, by phone and internet.

If you have a specific need, seek the pastor of the church to be properly attended to. You can do this in person or over the phone: (22) 98124-4283.

For now, home visits and face-to-face counselling are suspended, due to the pandemic.

Get in touch and be lovingly shepherded!

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Fourth Presbyterian Church of Macaé.

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